The Digital Seller's Copy Kit

Ready To Become Your Own Sales & Launch Copywriter?

Your Digital Products Aren’t Going To Sell Themselves — But With This Copy Kit, They Come Close

Successful launches aren’t about what you’re selling, they’re about how you’re selling. But for most digital creators, business owners, and sellers, the fun isn’t in the marketing — it’s in the creating (and let’s be honest — the income that comes from it). This comprehensive Copy Kit includes all the resources, templates, and guidance you need to successfully market and sell your digital offers without breaking a sweat.

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Short on time?

Just want the quick and dirty details? I got you.

jump to logistics

So You Want To Sell Your Digital Products?

I get it. You spent an exorbitant amount of time making the thing; now you’re expected to… promote it on socials, write a sales page, sell to your email list, support your affiliates, and so much more; you’re starting to wonder why you thought this was a good idea.

But what if you had someone telling you exactly what to do (and when), handing you professional copy templates, mapping out your social plan, and supporting you with all of your marketing, sales, and copy assets?

And then you could rinse and repeat for every product launch without spending more money?

But you’re a little overwhelmed by the whole “launch” thing?

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The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit Is The Right Resource For You If

✓ Don’t know where to start when it comes to email, social, or sales copywriting

✓ Are overwhelmed by all the tasks you should be doing

✓ Sorta kinda want someone to tell you what to do or at least hand you a list of priorities

✓ Aren’t ready or don’t want to hire a team of contractors to make it happen (copywriter, designer, social media expert)

✓ Aren’t feeling the whole “copy and paste” whatever strategy the latest IG coach has blasted on their page

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You’re selling a course, template, masterclass, or other digital product, and you…

And let’s be so for real, you want your offer to sell (like, a lot). You want people to experience what you’ve spent incredible amounts of time and energy on, but you know you’re not entirely equipped to handle the copy and marketing side of it.

comprehensive as heck

"I've just finished going through the kit and I have to say, you've done waaaaaay more than I thought would be in here.

The templates included alone are worth exponentially more than you are charging. When I compare what you put together, these templates are nearly done for you, to everything else I've bought out there, it's no contest. Hands down this is going to change lives of the people who want to actually figure this stuff out. What an amazing thing you've done." — Amber | Lawyer

a no-brainer

"It’s literally soooo good. As someone who hasn’t done like a formal 'launch' of a product, it’s been super informative

and helpful to walkthrough step by step and dive in. It’s made planning podcast eps, ig posts, and just when to talk about it all so much easier - like every task is a no-brainer, you know? 

It’s also combating a lot of the doubt that comes along with creating something for my audience - it’s still there, but bc I have actionable steps on hand, I’m not just sitting here in my thoughts stressing." — McKayla | SEO Specialist & Copywriter

Psst: we had some of our favorite business owners from different industries test it out before we put it on the shelves — here's what they said

everything short of creating the product for you 

"If you’re like me and creating products has been on your to-do list forever and subsequently scratched off because of overwhelm —you’re about to enter your product era with this kit. 

Reveal has given us basically everything short of creating the product for you in this kit. I’m floored. 

I would call myself an investment skeptic in business. If you’re worried that this won’t have enough value, let me just say: you can safely put that fear away. Kaili has you covered. She’s over delivered (like she always does) and you’ll feel guided and at ease as you venture into digital products. 

It’s a no-brainer and I’ll be recommending it to literally all my entrepreneur friends.” — Callie | Brand & Web Designer

what testers have to say

With The Help Of This Kit, You Can Say Hello To

Organization — knowing exactly what to create (and when) to stay on track with your launch schedule 

Confidence — actually feel excited to hit “send” on sales emails and link out to your sales page

Sales — if you follow the schedule, check off all the to-dos, and implement the included copy assets, you’ll make sales (and that’s as close to a promise as I can legally get)

Free-time — drastically cut down on time spent creating marketing & sales assets so you can spend that time doing literally anything else

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Quick Chat: This Won't Make You Rich Overnight

I can’t even guarantee you’ll have the most “wildly successful, 7-figure launch” of your life

But I can guarantee this: You will know what to do, when to do it, and have the templates, resources, and trainings to make it happen (all in one place).

The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit does 90% of the work for you, but that other 10% is on you (to get your sh*t done, customize the templates, deploy the assets, and bring your own fire to your launch). 

Still with me? Good. Let’s keep moving.

a peek inside

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside The Kit

  • A sales & marketing schedule with built-in to-do lists 
  • Social media & email content ideas
  • Landing page template
  • Workshop/Masterclass email templates
  • Promo to offer email funnel template
  • Sales page guide & template
  • Short sales page template
  • Waitlist emails template
  • Online course sales sequence
  • Live launch sales sequence
  • Social media copy for your offer launch
  • Affiliate swipe files
  • Sticky note wall ideas
  • Product delivery email template
  • Customizable evergreen email funnel
  • 2 video trainings: Sales pages & neuromarketing
  • So. Much. More.

It’s like having a copywriter & marketing expert in your back pocket — for this launch, the next one, and the next one.

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Why Put It All In One Place?

I’ve helped people make literal millions on their launches. I’ve seen the inside of what makes a launch pop off. I’ve crafted copy that’s persuaded hundreds of people to join a course, mastermind, or purchase a template. 

And here’s what I know — the people who successfully sell aren’t necessarily smarter, they aren’t even selling something more worthy of buying, often all they have that you don’t is a team of experts making sure everything goes to plan.

But for a lot of us, we don’t have the funds or the time to pay for and assemble that team. But you still deserve another option. You still deserve to know what it feels like to sell something you love and support your lifestyle while doing it.

This Copy Kit is my way of making that possible for you — and I’ll be cheering loud as hell from the sidelines.

Because this Sh*t should be accessible

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan.


accessibility is sexy

Take A Tour Through The Kit

Here's a quick sneak peek of what you're getting inside of The Kit

This is for you if:




It's probably not for you if...





no. 01

Create Your Custom Timeline

Using the included sample timeline, you can input your launch dates and work backward to create a custom timeline that aligns with your vision.

no. 02

Complete Tasks

Follow the priority list and complete the tasks in order (you'll know when each one needs to be done to stay on track). Utilize the included copy templates and other resources to get each one done.

no. 03


Implement your assets — following along with your timeline — and start seeing sales roll in.

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"The Swiss Army knife of digital product launches

While other options might leave you feeling like you're missing a vital tool or two, The Kit has got everything you need neatly packed into one badass package. From communication templates that cover every platform under the sun to step-by-step instructions that even your grandma could follow, The Kit leaves no stone unturned. And let's not forget about the sheer flexibility of it all. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie to the digital product game, The Kit has something for everyone.

But what really takes the cake is the attention to detail. You can tell that whoever put this thing together really knows their stuff. It's not just a bunch of generic templates thrown together haphazardly. Nope, each component of The Kit has been meticulously crafted to ensure maximum effectiveness and ease of use."

tori | lawyer & photographer

"100% worth the investment, I've honestly never seen anything like it

I think the differentiating factor is that it's not a course, it's an actual how-to guide with step by step support. I'm a very practical and logistical person and so many online resources are too abstract for me to actually utilize. This is SO practical and helpful at every step.

There are so many resources included in the kit along with a step by step proven strategies throughout each stage of the process from planning all the way through post-launch. This is the most practical and useful tool I've purchased in my business in over 5 years."

Kat | brand & web designer

"In the process of organizing every step for you, she EDUCATES you on the psychology behind it

So, instead of it being here's copy writing templates for the pre-launch period, she tells you WHY it even matters in the first place. Coming from someone who's never launched a digital product before, Kaili meets you where you're at and gives you something that is truly unmatched."

lauren | learning specialist

"This takes all the guess work out of launching digital products

I see this becoming a staple across the industry, and the new standard for how people create, launch, and profit from digital products. In a world of MRR and faceless marketing and sometimes questionable ethics in the online space, The Digital Sellers Copy Kit will change the game for someone building sustainable, ethical, and IMPACTFUL offers.

When I say Kaili left no stone unturned, I mean. It's not JUST email copy, or social media content, or sales pages... it's ALL the content you could possibly need and produce. The templates bundled alone make the Kit 100% worth it, and then you add in the resource videos and the action items broken down into impactful steps to take as you build towards your launch."

jemilla | messaging strategist & copywriter

"I love every damn thing about this Kit

The step-by-step process to launching, and the sub-steps for each phase are so damn detailed and helpful (and the templates are a Godsend). I love that I can track my event attendance, sales, and revenue 'cause I'm BIG on success stats. And the launch schedule and deadlines really help me visualize the next steps (the checked list version AND the calendar). As a Virgo, this whole resource is so organized to the TEE, and BAYBEEEEEE I LIVE FOR IT!!! I cannot think of one thing that could make this better.

It takes the guesswork out of launching your own offer (and even as someone who knows a thing or two, this made things SO MUCH EASIER). I literally finished 80% of the Prep Phase of my launch in a single day. 24 HOURS! Kaili really goes above and beyond to make her resources helpful for us small business owners, and she really one upped herself with this kit."

The Quick And Dirty Details

the what

Everything you need to market, promote, and sell your digital products. It's like a project manager meets copywriter meets sales specialist — all wrapped into one.

  • Sales Copy Templates (emails, sales page, landing page, etc.)
  • Social Media Prompts & Ideas
  • Priorities & Task Lists
  • Sample Launch Schedule 
  • Sales Education Materials 

the who

Digital sellers, creators, educators, business owners, or anyone who has something great to sell (yay!) but needs support with the actual sales side of it. 

the why

If you don’t know how to market or sell something, it doesn’t matter how great your offer is — it simply won’t sell. But that shouldn’t be the reason your offer doesn’t end up in the hands of people who need it. This Copy Kit gives you the best of both worlds at a fraction of the cost of hiring professionals.

the how

Simply follow along with the sample launch schedule, customize the templates as you go, keep track of your tasks, and get ready to launch.


 $1497 MSRP


The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit is hosted on Notion. Does not include design templates.

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Pricing Transparency

What you need to know

The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit cost $1497 — but let’s break this down further:

  • Hiring a sales copywriter to create all of these assets would cost you anywhere from $4,500-$10,000+ depending on their rates.
  • Purchasing just the templates inside of The Kit would cost $3000+ and that’s not including the roadmap, priorities list, or additional trainings.
  • If you’re selling a $197 offer, it takes 8 sales to see an ROI (you & I both know at least 8 people want what you’ve got).
  • You can wash, rinse, and repeat for all future launches — TBH, the potential ROI on this Kit is actually endless.

It just makes sense.

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Meet the creator and copywriter behind the kit


I’ve been a sales copywriter full-time for 6 years — but I’ve been obsessed with storytelling, connecting, persuading, and writing long before that. 

Since starting my copywriting business, Reveal Studio Co., I’ve had the honor of helping hundreds of business owners successfully launch their digital offers: courses, group programs, templates, masterminds, and more. Nothing quite compares to the feeling of being part of the reason someone made enough money to support their dreams, family, vacation…you get the picture.

The one thing that never quite sat right with me? How inaccessible professional sales copy is. I get it — hiring someone like me is expensive, and a lot of people simply don’t have that kind of cash. And while one-off copy templates can help, they leave a lot of gaps in the process.

The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit is my way of closing those gaps and making it easier than ever to have a successful, seamless, and, dare I say it? FUN launch you feel confident and excited about. 

I hope you love this Kit as much as I’ve loved making it (and I hope it helps make you tons of freaking money).

Cheers to doing what we love and getting paid,

About Me • About Me • About Me •

Kaili Meyer



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