Helping business owners tap into the powers of sales, psychology, and storytelling to reach their ideal audience, sell their services & products, and increase their impact is sort of my favorite thing.
I've been fascinated by stories and how they connect us since I was really young, inspiring me to earn a journalism degree before spending time in the magazine world and ultimately founding Reveal. My goal is simple: Help you reveal (get it?) your truth and everything that makes you a 10/10 brand in a way that helps people find you, choose you, love you, and pay you.
This blog is full of my best tips, tricks, and advice. Thanks for stopping by — hope to see you back again here soon.
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Someone downloading your freebie is a sign they’re interested in you and what you offer, and it just feels good, right? They trust you as the expert to deliver all the best information, and they love your freebie, but what’s their next step? Where do they go? What should you send after your lead magnet? […]
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Sales and consumer psychology became the buzzwords on social media in 2023 – and for good reason. Sales and consumer psych are the literal science behind sales and should be a part of every small business owner’s and entrepreneur’s skillset. But it’s one thing to know of a strategy and another to know how to […]
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If you have a free resource, lead magnet, or freebie and you’re delivering it via email, this is for you. You’ve tackled problem #1, getting someone’s interest enough to want it. Now you’re on to problem #2 – getting your audience to open your email. Your resource is awesome, but they’re not sticking around after […]