Helping business owners tap into the powers of sales, psychology, and storytelling to reach their ideal audience, sell their services & products, and increase their impact is sort of my favorite thing.
I've been fascinated by stories and how they connect us since I was really young, inspiring me to earn a journalism degree before spending time in the magazine world and ultimately founding Reveal. My goal is simple: Help you reveal (get it?) your truth and everything that makes you a 10/10 brand in a way that helps people find you, choose you, love you, and pay you.
This blog is full of my best tips, tricks, and advice. Thanks for stopping by — hope to see you back again here soon.
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Sales copy = words that sell. Sales copy is any copy (words) used to convert visitors into consumers. It’s the email pitching your paid offer after your free download, the sales page inviting followers into your new program, even the upsell after someone buys your product is considered sales copy. If the intent is to […]
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There’s so much confusion around copywriting and copywriters; it’s not even funny. You always hear of us when it’s almost too late—right before your big launch, as you’re mid-way through your funnels, or even as your designer is adding the final touches to your site (although they should have sent you to a copywriter sooner, […]
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There are copywriters — and then there are copywriters you can’t stop raving about. And even the best copywriter might not be the right match for you. The right copywriter for you is one who has the experience, expertise, and education to create copy that converts (aka sells) for YOUR business. The right copywriter for […]
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If you want to be obsessed with your website (and you want your website to work), then it’s time to hire a copywriter. But really, one of the most telltale signs it’s time to hire a copywriter is when you absolutely hate the copy on your site, and it’s not getting you results (aka booking […]
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As a copywriter, I’m often asked, ‘Why do I need a copywriter?’ The answer is simple: A copywriter isn’t just someone who is really good at writing (although we totally are); they’re someone who’s spent years studying and implementing behavior economics, writing words that make people a lot of money, and finding fresh ways to […]
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Let’s take a minute (or three) to go back to the basics of copywriting — at least, the essentials of web copy, all the words on your website intended to create action (aka convert). Impactful, effective web copy gets your website to do the work for you. It sells your offers in the background while […]
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