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Email Subject Lines for Delivering Your Freebie from Reveal Studio Co. | Entrepreneur on Rooftop with Flowers

10 Email Subject Lines for Delivering Your Lead Magnet


If you have a free resource, lead magnet, or freebie and you’re delivering it via email, this is for you. You’ve tackled problem #1, getting someone’s interest enough to want it. Now you’re on to problem #2 – getting your audience to open your email. Your resource is awesome, but they’re not sticking around after delivery, so let’s fix it.

You’re going to change up what you’re doing by trying one (or a few) of these email subject lines for delivering your lead magnet. But instead of skipping straight to it, I want to give you the rundown on the rules and recs…

How to Pick The Perfect Subject Line 

There are not many rules or recommendations for using an email subject line. My main, and nearly only recommendation, is that if you wouldn’t say it, I wouldn’t recommend using it. Part of crafting an email funnel for your freebie, and yes, picking the subject lines for your emails, is embodying your brand.

This also means that if none of these email subject lines are remotely close to something you would say or your audience would want to hear, this list might not be for you. 

Finally, you’re not ‘stuck’ with one, bookmark this post and come back when you’re ready for another – they’re made for you to use.

10 Email Subject Lines You Can Use to Deliver Your Lead Magnet

Your goal here is to stand out in busy inboxes and grab your subscriber’s attention – and trust me, first impressions matter. On average, a person receives almost 121 emails a day, and the average open rate across all industries is 36.80% – we can do better than that, right?

This is the top of your funnel and the first step in taking your subscribers from your free resource to your pitch, and if they’re not opening email #1, they’re probably not looking forward to emails #2-#5 of your sequence hitting their inbox.

And since I’m all for working smarter, not harder, I’m sharing what works at getting attention in an inbox – no clickbait tactics or AI prompts required.

Email subject lines for delivering your lead magnet you can steal for yourself (you have my approval) ->

  1. This cost $0.00
  2. Best day ever?
  3. This should be a crime 🤯
  4. I’ll just leave this right here 😏
  5. You asked, I delivered 📫
  6. I know it’s not your birthday, but 🎁
  7. This just saved you hours
  8. Just a lil’ somethin somethin
  9. People pay for this (you didn’t)
  10. The best things in life…

Don’t forget to test them out, if one’s not giving you the results you need, mark it down and switch it out for another. Trying and testing different things is natural (and expected) in setting up a successful email sequence.

What Comes Next? Making the Most Out of Your Email Sequence

You’ve successfully delivered your lead magnet, you’ve used one of the subject lines mentioned above, and you’re excited to see your email list growing (you should be), but what happens next?

It’s time to make the most of your super valuable, high-impact resource by using it as a tool to introduce your paid offer – something you can achieve by setting up a strategic sales funnel that encourages your audience to invest.

The email sequence delivering your freebie should consist of 3-4 emails that take your audience from downloading your free resource to you pitching a paid one. You’ll want to include a few soft sells along with a hard pitch for your product, and this should go without saying, but your paid offer should directly relate to your free resource.

You can set it up and test it yourself, or you can do it in less than 30 minutes with my Free Resource to Pitch template, an easy-to-customize and easier-to-implement sequence that does it for you and can be applied to any/all of your free resources – snag your copy here.

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