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The four pages your website needs as a service provider | Reveal Studio Co.

4 Pages Your Website Needs as a Service Provider



Your website can literally make or break your conversions as a service provider, and as your go-to copywriter, I have to confess that you need more than a link landing page to get the best results.

And no shade to using a links page or something like a Stan Store (you can optimize these too), but if you want to make the most of your website and get more conversions, customers, and clients, there are four pages your website needs.

What Web Pages Do You Need as a Service Provider?

You can add whatever pages to your website you want — but these are the ones to prioritize, and if you’re outsourcing your web copy, these are the pages your copywriter will focus on, too. 

These web pages help service providers provide clarity around the who, what, when, where, why, and how of their offers and create consistency of voice and vibe for website visitors (which is crucial in building relationships).

Let’s break down the four pages your website needs as a service provider and give a few suggestions on what you should include on each page:

#1. Home

Think of your homepage as a landing page and directory. It’s your “landing page” that sets the tone, vibe, and expectation(s) for the rest of your site — but it’s also a “directory” for the rest of your site. You can intentionally lead/guide your audience where you want them to go.

Your home page should include (at least, in my opinion):

  • Who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and how to take the next step
  • Intentional keywords
  • Scannable headers that draw people in and compel them to click around
  • CTAs to your other pages
  • Possibly a contact/inquiry form

#2. Services

Your Services page is where you’ll officially sell people on your services and offers. This page is highly personal/customized to your brand and offer suite. However, I think most services pages should include:

  • An initial paragraph restating who you are, what you do, and why it matters
  • Features and benefits
  • Who you’re for (your ideal clients)
  • What the process of working with you looks like
  • Price and offer transparency
  • Easy CTA to inquire or take the next steps
  • Powerful testimonials and reviews
  • FAQs

#3. About

My favorite page to write for clients is their About page because it’s truly an opportunity to shine! Show off your personality, humble brag about your expertise and experience, and connect with people on a human level. 

Again, these are highly personal recommendations, but I would include:

  • Why you started your business (your mission, “why,” vision, etc.)
  • Your background, expertise, and relevant credentials
  • Client-facing values and beliefs
  • Clarity around your unique approach or philosophy
  • Points of connection (aka fun facts or tidbits)

Pssst… If you want to make this easier, grab my About Page Web Copy Guide and Templates here.

#4. Contact

You have people on your contact or inquiry page from your other pages, and now it’s time to get them to actually INQUIRE. So, what do you need to do? You can add:

  • A cutie message or blurb at the top of your page above the form (a fun way to build hype and persuade people to fill it out)
  • Testimonials and social proof if it feels right
  • A blurb about what happens next after they fill out your form (how long until they hear from you, what they can do in the meantime, etc.)
  • The form, obviously
  • Thank-you page (after they hit submit so they know you received it)

Some people will tell you to turn this page into a mini sales page for your services, but I don’t think that’s necessary. However, do your thing! There’s nothing “wrong” with it (it’s just a preference).

#4. Services

Your Services page is where you’ll officially sell people on your services and offers. This page is highly personal/customized to your brand and offer suite. However, I think most services pages should include:

  • An initial paragraph restating who you are, what you do, and why it matters
  • Features and benefits
  • Who you’re for (your ideal clients)
  • What the process of working with you looks like
  • Price and offer transparency
  • Easy CTA to inquire or take the next steps
  • Powerful testimonials and reviews
  • FAQs

How to Improve Your Web Copy

The best copy (copy that connects, compels, and sells) is strategic—aka, it’s crafted with a purpose. It’s designed to position you as the obvious solution, build immediate knowledge and trust, and compel visitors to take action. 

Essentially, the first step in improving your web copy is clarifying your brand’s message and developing a game plan before you write even a single word of your web copy.I promise you, it’ll make a world of difference. And because I love you (and I want to make business just a little bit easier), you can skip the guesswork and use the 30 thought-provoking prompts & questions included in my free Web Copy Prep Questions — Click here for your free resource.

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