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Kaili Meyer prepping for her digital product launch

A Transparent Look Into My Launch: The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit


In March 2024, I launched The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit, a comprehensive kit to help business owners, digital creators, and sellers market and sell their digital products. Now, I want to share how it went, what I thought, and what I would do (if anything) differently.

I’m sharing this because it’s easy to associate things with people because of how they (and their business) look on the outside. For example, I’ve been told multiple times by others in the online space that they’d assumed I had a six-figure launch, which I’ve never actually done (I’ve written copy for multiple six-figure launches, but, as of right now, I’ve never done it myself).

Breaking Down My Launch

Before we get into anything else, I want to share a few of my overall reflections with you:

  • I used The Kit for my own launch and wanted to show you an honest look at how it went for me (tbh, I don’t think I’ll ever sell a digital product without it again).
  • There are so many different versions of “success” out there for digital product sellers. My version of success isn’t $100k days, and that’s okay. 
  • Transparency is a core value for Reveal. Sharing this insight and reflection on my launch is one way for me to walk the talk.

The worlds of launching and online business have changed, and because of that, I think it’s more important than ever to share transparent information so people don’t feel alone, behind, or lost when they honestly don’t need to.

Let’s take a peek behind the curtain of one of my latest launches as a sales copywriter:

The Planning

Not enough people talk about this piece of the digital product puzzle — the planning — but in my opinion, it’s the most important.

I spent multiple weeks planning out The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit and then a couple of months building it. I didn’t build it alone; my incredible virtual assistant, Carly, helped a ton. Without her, I don’t think The Kit would exist as it does.

During this time, I was fine-tuning the product and creating content to prime my audience, finding testers to gather feedback before launch, hosting multiple meetings with my team to discuss updates, and writing all the necessary launch collateral (think sales pages, launch sequences, etc.).

My biggest planning tip is to set aside time when your product is your only focus (even if it’s just on weekends or for one hour/week). Also, seek help when you need it, outsource when/where you can, and don’t rush it (seriously — take your time; we’re not in a hurry).

The Selling Pt. 1

Believe it or not, I used everything inside of The Kit to actually run my own launch (because I wanted to see how it felt as a user). Additionally, 15 testers had early access to The Kit. In exchange for their honest feedback and reviews, they were given $700 off when purchasing.

After the testers provided all of their info, I went in and revised/updated the product so that it was as close to perfect as possible. 

Next, I hosted a waitlist (which grew to 170 people) who were given early access and a special discount along with a free training (which 140 people signed up for) they could attend live or receive as a recording — everyone who signed up got a discount and a bonus template for free. 

Some people were on both the waitlist and the training segment and had access to both discounts and the free template.

Not everyone purchased it, but that’s okay! Since everyone was exposed to a lot of content and information about The Kit (and because it’s now evergreen), they’re now primed even more to want to purchase as time goes on (remember, this isn’t a sprint). 

The Selling Pt. 2

After the waitlist and training periods ended, I began sending my sales emails to the rest of my email list and chatting more about The Kit on socials. This drove non-discounted sales. 

But, speaking of discounts, I was open to providing them to anyone who didn’t get on those lists and really wanted The Kit but needed some financial assistance. This wouldn’t align with everyone’s business strategy, but it did with mine, and it’s something I take great pride in (accessibility and meeting people where they’re at).

I made sure my sales emails and social content weren’t pushy or sleazy — instead, they were honest, transparent, and welcoming.

I take an “I know what this product is worth, I know it’s the best on the market, and when it’s the right time for someone to purchase it, they will” approach. This works really well for my brand and audience.

During this period, I started lining up opportunities in podcasts and group programs to further build product awareness and reach audiences beyond my own. Although my launch (or active selling period) was technically done, The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit is evergreen and available at any time — so my “selling” period never ends.

The People

I could not have done this without an incredible team and group of people. My VA was instrumental in the building of the product (if you want to know more about building a digital product in Notion, read this) and the deployment of marketing materials. 

My testers were incredible and helped me tweak The Kit until it was absolutely perfect (you can read some of their feedback here if you’re curious) and my affiliates spread the word and encouraged their people to purchase (and made sales, yay!).

Claire from Juniperfolk created gorgeous social media graphics for me to promote The Kit and save me hours. 

My social and email communities were so kind and celebratory — even if they didn’t purchase. Tons of people shared The Kit on their Stories without being asked to, and I received the sweetest messages of encouragement and love.

The Numbers

I know you’re curious about numbers, so let me share:

  • We were on a waitlist for around 12 days
  • Discounts were available for one week
  • I spent one week actively selling the product after discounts ended
  • As of July 2, we’ve sold 40+ Digital Seller’s Copy Kits

As for a general timeline, The Kit was conceived as an idea in late January, sent to testers in February, open to the public in March, and is now evergreen for the foreseeable future.

The Takeaways 

Taking it back to the basics of launching and sales was incredibly helpful and effective for me. Instead of looking to all the trendy sales advice/tactics, I stuck to what I know works based on history: genuine value-packed emails, shorter email content, lots of selling on Stories, leaning into social proof, a good-ass sales page, high-value top-of-funnel, and not putting all of my eggs in one basket (aka not relying on this launch to pay all of my bills).

The best products are ones you truly believe in and build because you see a problem or gap and know you’re the one to fix it. Sure, you want to make money, but more than that, you want to make an impact — and that’s exactly what The Kit does.

Maybe the biggest takeaway is this: While the tides are shifting in the online space, the fundamentals of sales and marketing are not. Consumers still want:

  • Transparency
  • To feel part of something
  • Solutions to their very real problems
  • To save time and money
  • To know, like, and trust someone they’re giving money to

What Happened Next? Going Evergreen, Collaborations, etc. 

After launching, I switched focus and introduced a few new templates to the shop (like this Stan Store Sales Page template and a Welcome Sequence for Product-Based Business)

I’ve also been weaving links to The Kit into my blogs, email funnels (welcome and post-purchase), and other areas to drive evergreen sales. 

But, my biggest push since the launch of The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit is my collaboration with Carli Anna in The Digital Product Power Pack, a combination of The Kit and her Digital Product Disruptor. 

The collaboration brought in seven new sales at a combined product price of $2,200 (although we also offered a discount to our masterclass attendees).

A Message to Sellers

There is still money and impact to be made in the digital product space. People are looking for more affordable ways to solve their problems and get ahead. Often, products are how we can provide this as business owners (as opposed to pricier 1:1 services). 

However, the get-rich-quick vibes of 2020/2021 are behind us. Consumers aren’t nearly as motivated by this type of messaging as they used to be, and they expect ethical, high-value selling — they won’t just swipe their card because you told them to. 

And even if you’re selling a low-ticket product, following a solid launch plan and strategy will save you tons of time and result in more sales (trust me). 

One more thing: serve and love your people, and I promise the sales will roll in.

If you’re ready to launch your own digital product, learn more about The Digital Seller’s Copy Kit here.

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